Nymeth brought to my attention the annual
Book Blogger Holiday Swap and I've signed up. This seems like a wonderful way to spread the holiday spirit, participate in the blogging community and discover new bloggers. Besides, I LOVE Christmas. Even though I am taking part in the
Persephone Secret Santa and also a
Virago one on LibraryThing,

I couldn't pass this one up; I love choosing and or making gifts for people and the delight of giving. I love to give books and playing Santa to a book blogger will probably allow me to do that! That's a good segue into mention an other holiday and blogging initiative run by
My Friend Amy:
Buy Books for the Holidays. I often do give books as gifts and this year is no exception. Giving (and receiving) books is wonderful and I encourage you to treat any readers in your life with a well-intentioned read this Christmas.
Thanks for pointing out Buy Books for the holidays - something I can participate in as I've bought books for my cousins, for my Dad and will be for my boyfriend! I like the sound of the bookswaps but not for me this year.
You're welcome, Verity. It's something I do without thinking but happy to know there is an initiative promoting it.
Ditto me - but I like the idea that they will be promoting lists and ideas of things to include with books...
Me too, as it will provide us with fresh ideas as well as present (excuse pun) those who normally don't buy books with some suggestions.
Great idea! I've signed up!
Great, Jackie! I'm looking forward to it.
I also tend to buy books as gifts, and books are my favourite gift to recieve. I love the idea of other bookish themed gifts, always looking for something unusual. In the past I have bought discworld stamps for my partner, they are framed and have pride of place on what little wall space exists in the home library.
Book Pusher, I've bought my partner a couple of Discworld themed items too on occasion :). I love bookish items.
Thank you for spreading the word about the Swap, Claire! And hmmm, there's a Virago one on Librarything? *tempted*
Ana, it's such a fun thing to promote! Last year for the Virago one I received a Persephone!
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