Quote a couple of spoiler-free sentences from the book you’re reading to tempt others.
"Kay came in with fresh plates and a cake on a doily on a pink glass platter. The frosting was decorated with a maraschino cherry tree and a chocolate hatchet. 'Oh, bless her heart!' said Dottie."
The Group by Mary McCarthy p. 110
Oh thats a brilliant idea. I very silly man that I am have left my book at home today or would have a go. Mind you my latest read seems a little risque maybe for a quote ha!
Simon, I can't take credit for this as it's a meme that appears on a number of blogs but I decided a couple of months ago to join in. It's a good way to gain a taste for specific books, to see what others are reading, and as a filler post for when one is woefully behind on the reading the huge pile of TBR books.
Poor you leaving your book at home! I would be going crazy about now. Saying that, I have recently started to listen to audiobooks on my ipod so providing I hadn't forgotten that too then I would be good for a day.
I am also very curious to know what you're reading and must look at your blog to find out!
Ooh, not come across Mary McCarthy but that is good enough to make me want to find her!
Verity, you may be interested to know that Virago are re-issuing this book later this year (I believe it is currently out of print). I came across mention of it some time ago and forgot about it and then during an interview with Sarah Waters that I watched she mentioned that she was re-reading The Group and it was a personal favourite so I decided to track it down.
Excellent - I'll hold on for now then, especially as my library doesn't have a copy, as it's bound to be a VMC...
I'm not entirely sure it is a VMC as it's their first time publishing it - am I right in thinking that if it didn't belong to the original list of the 80s/90s then it isn't published as a Modern Classic but a normal Virago?
Hmm - you're right. I thought my Carol Birch's were VMCs but when I looked more closely they weren't...
I'll still hold on though...
The book 'Call Me By Your Name' isn't too rude but it has its moments but is stunningly, stunningly written. Whats more annoying is that am ten pages from the end and have my next book in my bag but dont want to start it until I have finished the other. Eek!
Eek, indeed! That is most unfortunate. I wish you a quick day so that you can get home to read it!
Oh, this looks fantastic! Great teaser. I have quite a few friends and three cousins who I can claim as Vassar women so this should be a fun read. Thanks!
Hi Pam, thanks for commenting!
Knowing some Vassar women of your own can only increase your reading pleasure of this book, I'm sure.
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